Don Steinmann's Investment Tip of the Week

Don Steinmann's
Investment Tip of the Week

Backup Your Financial Data

I’ve seen a number of articles recently about keeping your personal and financial information safe. The suggestions include using a password manager, using two factor authentication for logins, etc. But one thing that isn’t discussed very often are backups.

Recently I had a friend who had a Windows 10 update go wrong through no fault of his own. Because he had no backups, he was in danger of losing all his past income tax returns that he’d done with a tax program.

Who are the people who consistently do backups? The ones who have had to go through an ugly recovery process because they didn’t. Don’t let that happen to you. An easy and cheap way to take backups is to use one of the cloud based backup systems that will keep your information encrypted. One of the best deals out there is offered by IDrive. They will allow you to backup up to 10gb of data for free. Of course they are happy to sell you more storage if you wish, but the first 10gb is free. Not enough for all your family photos, but enough to have backups of your important personal and financial information. You can check it out here:

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